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Ellagee As We Walk In Fields of Gold

Friday, 25 October, 2013
Ellagee As We Walk In Fields of Gold

Ellagee As We Walk In Fields of Gold is described as “a golden yellow with soft linear and scattered holographic glitter.”

Ellagee As We Walk In Fields of Gold is a color I chose because October is coming to a close and October is not only Breast Cancer Awareness Month, but it’s also Filipino History Month. Did you know that if it weren’t for the Filipino migrant workers who worked in conjunction with Cesar Chavez, the United Farm Workers strike may never have happened? It’s a sore point for Filipino Americans. Mexicans were not the only ones mistreated! However, it was the Filipinos that led the fight long before the Mexicans joined in.

Ellagee As We Walk In Fields of Gold is a color I chose to represent my Filipino ancestry. While my family’s roots are not steeped here in California, I was born and raised in California. My father worked the cane fields in Kauai and my mother was a dentist from the Philippines. They worked together and provided a good life for me and I am eternally grateful for them.

Sun Symbol of the National Flag of the Philippines

Sun Symbol of the National Flag of the Philippines

Ellagee As We Walk In Fields of Gold reminds me of the gold in the Philippine flag, which is the sun. The sun symbolizes unity, freedom, people’s democracy, and sovereignty. Each ray represents one of the first eight provinces that started the 1896 Philippine Revolution against Spain.

Anyway, enough about that!

This is a beautiful yellow…and the formula was superb. This was a two coater that has a very special place in my collection.

As always, please click on the image which will double in size…then click on the image again (it will triple in size!) to view the photo in its original size.

Ellagee As We Walk In Fields of Gold

Ellagee As We Walk In Fields of Gold, Macro, Shade

Ellagee As We Walk In Fields of Gold

Ellagee As We Walk In Fields of Gold, Macro, Sunlight

Ellagee As We Walk In Fields of Gold You can see the holo here, but it’s not reflecting. You can see the specks of it.

Ellagee As We Walk In Fields of Gold Holo is playing peek-a-boo here in this shot.

Ellagee As We Walk In Fields of Gold You can see the holo in action in this shot. My only wish for this color is that the holo were a lot stronger and bold.

Do you think you will be purchasing this? It can be found here, on Ellagee’s site.

Someone asked me why I don’t use a light box – I’ll be honest: I don’t think light boxes truly reflect what a color is like in real life. While I think a light box can get you prettier, edgier shots of a polish, I don’t think it’s very realistic. So while my images may not be as richly saturated with jewel tones or deep hues, you are getting a real-life look at the polish in action.

I do, however, own a lightbox…and maybe one day you may see me using it! Until then…

Thank you for making it this far. If you liked what you read, please share this – sharing is caring!

À bientôt!



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