Kaadian (aka Mr Carinae) and my dad went out to the casting pools today so Kaadian could further perfect his casting in fly fishing. Daddy was ready. Mr Carinae was ready. It seems poor little Rex wasn’t ready – he didn’t have his coat or shoes (it was going to rain), nor did he have a fishing pole! Being even more of a bad mommy, I didn’t have Rex’s doggie life jacket from Outward Hound. Well, it’s not like he really needs one since he is such a water dog. He loved swimming in the pool and I had to keep the gate closed because if I didn’t, he’d be in the pool, paddling away.
I forgot Rex has strong tendencies to love the outdoors since he has so much spaniel in him. He gets excited when he sees birds outside and on a couple of occasions back in AZ, he’d be at the back door, staring out of the window and in a pointer pose, pointing at the birds in the yard!
Anyway, my three favorite boys, ready for outdoor activity. Sadly, Rex didn’t get to go.
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