Every time I see this polish’s name, the lyrics for Madonna’s Cherish comes flying through my head along with the images of the video. Maybe it’s me. Maybe not. Then it inevitably flies out of my mouth…the sound an offensive emittance that in no way remotely resembles Madonna’s song at all. At. All. Consider yourself lucky I haven’t included an audio clip for with this post. Sadly, Mr Carinae isn’t as lucky as you. In closed capacity of our car, he has suffered my offkey singing…and I think he is now officially hearing impaired. Ooops. I thought I had the corner on that market.
Anyway, here is this frosty, shimmery minty green from China Glaze. I’m going to have to compare it to Leaf Him At The Altar because that’s what it reminded me of. I’ll make sure to include them at the bottom of the post.
For now, here is the Cherish-ed prettiness.

Ok, I was wrong about them being similar…my bad!

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