
Gifts and hired help

Friday, 3 April, 2009

Last month saw our cook’s birthday – it was so soon after Holi, I wonder if it got lost in the shuffle. Anyway, we didn’t find out until the actual day of her birthday when she told us because she was going home early. I called her boss (the woman who owns the place we are renting and asked what she (Gauri) would like for a birthday present. The owner of the apartment (Mandira) seemed a bit surprised. It got me wondering – do they even do simple, nice things to celebrate someone’s birthday? I had my answer.

Anyway, through a series of events, we weren’t able to actually give Gauri her present until almost a week later (Friday). I got her some material for her so she could make outfits for herself. I didn’t really spend much at all – about $30. We really appreciate all she has done for us – she really takes such wonderful care of us. We got her a card and little gift bag.

She seemed overwhelmed when she realized it was a late birthday present, but she seemed very happy. It was morning time and she said she was going to leave it here at our house before she went back to the main house because it seems the other girls there would get jealous or angry. How odd, n’est-ce-pas?

She came by later and picked it up and went home. The next morning, she told me how her whole family loved the material we got for her. Her mother in law, father in law, husband, nieces, nephews…

It was heartwarming, but then it made me sad because it seems that the hired help are not appreciated. I know I’ve touched on that theme before in a previous entry, but I just don’t understand how you can’t NOT appreciate the work they do for you. Gauri is honest and I know I can trust her with not stealing from us if we’re out of the house…It’s so hard to trust.

Anyway, I had to get that thrown in here before I forgot.


Ah, those Indian Elections...

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