Sadly, mint greens rarely ever love me as much as I love them. It breaks my heart, to be honest. Somehow, mint greens bring out the ugly sallowness of my skin. It almost makes me look like I’ve got Lyme disease!
However, just because mint greens make my skin tone look like death warmed over doesn’t mean I’ll stop wearing them. ;) KB Shimmer That’s Mint is a fun minty green and as described on the KB Shimmer site, “…is a pretty neon mint green polish with black dots, shreds and hex glitters. Also included in this polish are extra large neon pink hexes and a variety of smaller pink hexes. Last, there are neon green hexes, but they blend in to the base.”
It wasn’t very neon on me nor was it very neon when I looked at the bottle, but it was so beautiful nonetheless. Come see why I fell for this particular shade, even though it’s not very flattering on me.
KB Shimmer That’s Mint are three coats in the photos below. It dried quickly and was easy to apply.
As always, please click on the image which will double in size…then click on the image again (it will triple in size!) to view the photo in its original size.
Pretty shade shot – see the neon hex glitter on my pointer finger?
Slightly bright here, but all I really want to do is take a bite out of my nails. This shade reminds me of mint or pistachio ice cream!
Sunlight washes out colors a lot, but this still is quite a pretty color!
Someone asked me why I don’t use a light box – I’ll be honest: I don’t think light boxes truly reflect what a color is like in real life. While I think a light box can get you prettier, edgier shots of a polish, I don’t think it’s very realistic. So while my images may not be as richly saturated with jewel tones or deep hues, you are getting a real-life look at the polish in action.
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À bientôt!