MAC Brush #1

Monday, 28 March, 2011
MAC Brush 1

I know this isn’t a nail polish post, but in no way am I going to even stray into blogging about something other than nail polish. Well, sort of, at least.

I was putting on my powder this morning and went to this oft used gal brush of mine…Mac’s Brush #1.

It has been discontinued for a long time and in many ways, this is kind of retro because it’s more than ten years old (eep!).

MAC Brush 1

MAC Brush 1

I got this brush as a gift from my then fiance (now husband!) in a beautiful MAC make-up box that has since been discontinued as well…I’ll have to take a picture of it because it really is such a gorgeous thing. In addition to the make-up box and brush he purchased for me, he filled it up with even more brushes and make-up! Yes, girls, I know he’s a keeper. Admittedly he did have help from the drag queen working the counter.

Anyway, this brush is my go to for putting on powder foundation. Like me, she’s on in her years and has lost some of her shape. Like me, she’s a trooper day in and day out. She gets the job done. She does it with grace and style. She’s thorough. In short, she’s awesome despite her age!

Don’t be a hater when it comes to this brush. She has French origins. Back in the day, MAC’s first line of brushes were made in France. Then they were made in Japan. I haven’t purchased any new brushes from them so I don’t know where the current lot is from. I just may have to check it out…

At any rate, here are different shots of my favorite make-up brush. I clean her every week and she has held up really well, wouldn’t you agree?

MAC Brush 1

MAC Brush 1

MAC Brush 1

MAC Brush 1

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MAC - Wonder Woman