Smitten Polish Blue Footed Booby Dance

Monday, 18 August, 2014
Smitten Polish Blue Footed Booby Dance

Smitten Polish Blue Footed Booby Dance is a blue that is a gorgeous, serene holo inspired by nature


Now I know some of you have dirty minds and Smitten Polish Blue Footed Booby Dance is not what you think. No, they aren’t breasts jiggling around…it’s actually a mating dance done by a bird in the Galapagos Islands called Blue Footed Booby. All the poor male bird wants to do is dance and collect his twigs to attract a female to mate with. His dance has made him famous! Don’t know what a Blue Footed Booby is yet? Why, come check out the video below!

Blue Footed Booby Mating Ritual from mychal voorhees on Vimeo.

Now Smitten Polish Blue Footed Booby Dance seems to have been reformulated or some bloggers out there need to lay off the sharpen tool when editing their photos…or maybe some layered it over a darker blue. I did no such thing. I used this polish as is. I had to use three coats to get the opacity you see in the photos below, but I was absolutely smitten with this color and the inspiration behind it. Truth be told, I like my version better than some of the others I’m seeing out on the web. Smitten Polish says that Blue Footed Booby Dance is “…a blue leaning turquoise linear holographic polish…”

With all that out of the way, on to the pictures of Smitten Polish Blue Footed Booby Dance!

Smitten Polish Blue Footed Booby DanceIndirect Light shot of Smitten Polish Blue Footed Booby Dance

Smitten Polish Blue Footed Booby DanceFlash

Smitten Polish Blue Footed Booby DanceDirect LIght

While the holo didn’t come out and play as boldly as I’d have liked, the base color of this really is a beauty that I enjoy.

Now that you’ve seen this polish, do you want it in your collection?

Until next time,
