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Lynnderella HoloDay Hearts

Monday, 24 February, 2014
Lynnderella HoloDay Hearts, label

Lynnderella HoloDay Hearts was a 2013 Limited Edition that Lynnderella made as a thank you/Christmas present for customers.

Before I start, I want to say Happy New Year! Things went haywire at the end of December and beginning of January. Here’s the skinny: my husband got head hunted away from his work (Electronic Arts, aka EA) to work at Amazon in Seattle, Washington. It happened so quickly! Phone interview in December, interview on January 2, offer made on January 6, hubby handed in his resignation on January 10, his last day was January 17. We did some packing in San Jose and had last lunches/dinners with friends and then off we went on January 28 because February 3 was his first day at Amazon. Talk about fast moving, right? So here we are, in Seattle…and then the Seahawks won the Super Bowl, too! It was crazy times.


Lynnderella HoloDay Hearts was a lovely surprise that arrived in the mail one day in December last year…It was a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas present rolled into one. I am eternally grateful for it! It’s gorgeous and so sparkly good. Undies for this is Colors by Llarowe’s Gizzards and Lizards. Come and have a look at Lynnderella HoloDay Hearts and let me know what you think.

Lynnderella HoloDay Hearts - Macro, Shade

Lynnderella HoloDay Hearts – Macro, Shade

Lynnderella HoloDay Hearts, label

Lynnderella HoloDay Hearts, label

Lynnderella HoloDay Hearts - Macro, Sunlight

Lynnderella HoloDay Hearts – Macro, Sunlight

Lynnderella HoloDay Hearts, ShadeLove the cute Mickey Mouse shaped holographic glitter. Even in the shade, the holo in the glitters couldn’t be tamed.

Lynnderella HoloDay Hearts - FlashThe flash brings out even more prettiness – it coaxes the glitter to be even more pretty by showing different shades.

Lynnderella HoloDay Hearts - SunlightHow wonderful does this look? An absolutely gorgeous and surprising present from an indie maker.

Thank you so much, Lynnderella, for this lovely present! It’s one of the reasons why I keep purchasing from you.

Thanks for making it this far. If you liked what you’ve read, please like and share!

Until my next post,



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