NFU Oh Holographic mani

Thursday, 30 August, 2012
Holographic Cloud Mani NFU Oh

I came across a tutorial for a cloud manicure – it looked super easy and I thought I could get it done…I did, but…well, come and see it behind the jump!

Of course, since this was my first attempt, it’s not all perfect and pretty. Plus, the fact that I used holographics for this really wasn’t my smartest move. I wouldn’t file this under an Epic Fail Manicure, but it’s not exactly something to be super proud of, either. It really wasn’t bad for a first attempt and though I am always loathe to do nail art, this one really made me want to try it. It just seemed so very easy and stress free I couldn’t resist.

I was finally able to obtain NFU Oh’s Aqua Base from a nail polish supply store here in San Jose – sorry, you’ve been kicked to the curb. Not only is the new place $2.50 cheaper than your prices, they’re also near mah hooooouse! I don’t have to pay for shipping. Boo ya.

So Aqua Base in place and the holographics behaved perfectly! Even though I’ve had these colors for a few years, they still dried in record time!

I used NFU Oh 66 (green) as the base then NFU Oh 64 (pink-ish color) and then NFU Oh 65 (blue) as the top color. In the shade and for the few days I wore the mani, these colors were absolutely wonderful. However, once in the sun, the holographic tendencies of the polish drowned out whatever cute little cloud mani I had managed to put together.

As always, click the images to take them to their original size.

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Holographic Cloud Mani NFU Oh

Holographic Cloud Mani NFU Oh – Shade

Holographic Cloud Mani NFU Oh

Holographic Cloud Mani NFU Oh – Sun

See how the sun drowns out the pattern, but you see the insane holographics come into play? Now that I’ve got my Aqua Base Coat, I’m ready to paint myself into a holographic stupor!

Cirque Fascination Street
aEngland Saint George