Liquid Sky Lacquer

Liquid Sky Lacquer Enchanted Waterfall

Wednesday, 20 August, 2014
Liquid Sky Lacquer Enchanted Waterfall

Liquid Sky Lacquer Enchanted Waterfall is a gorgeous teal that is so super holographic that I had to use an extra photo to show the holo goodness.

I had originally purchased Liquid Sky Lacquer Enchanted Waterfall back in February of this year, just as I moved to Seattle…from sunny San Jose, California. The weather was dreary…it rained for forty days and forty nights…ok, I kid about that, but it did snow for two weeks straight, then we got a 2 days of no rain, then it snowed and then went back to raining. The one day when the sun came out confused the heck out of me!

Anyway, the weather was not friendly nor conducive to showing the true beauty of this polish. I didn’t have a lightbox or appropriate lighting, so this color languished in a box (all together, let’s gasp! Quelle horreur!!) until I came across it last week while filing things away. I decided to remedy the situation and wear it…and wear it I did!

Liquid Sky Lacquer Enchanted Waterfall is a strong linear teal holo. That is the short version of the description of this polish. The even shorter version goes like this, “Holy shit balls! It’s fucking amazing!!” I had a couple of women look at my nails and go, “Dang girl! That’s some unusual nail polish!” Not convinced? How about I tell you that you only need two coats of this? How about I tell you that it dries extremely fast?

Ok…still not convinced? How about I just show you some pictures?

Liquid Sky Lacquer Enchanted WaterfallLiquid Sky Lacquer Enchanted Waterfall in Diffused Light

Liquid Sky Lacquer Enchanted WaterfallFlash

Liquid Sky Lacquer Enchanted WaterfallLiquid Sky Lacquer Enchanted Waterfall, direct light, shot 1

Liquid Sky Lacquer Enchanted WaterfallLiquid Sky Lacquer Enchanted Waterfall, direct light, shot 2 – the holo is more pronounced in this and is truer to life

Intrigued? Want to buy? Let me help you find where!

  • Liquid Sky Lacquer Enchanted Waterfall is available at Liquid Sky Lacquer and Color4Nails.
  • Price: $12.00 for 15mL
  • Shipping: Depends on where you purchase your bottle from

Thanks for making it this far!

Until next time,
