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Butter nail polish

Butter – Scoundrel

Wednesday, 12 May, 2010

Don’t you love that word? Scoundrel. It sounds so old world and yet delivers a punch…these days it would garner a giggle or three. However, I’m not laughing at this color by Butter.

It’s not a glitter, but a fabulous creme. I happened to like this shade because it’s that cross between a darker shade of pink with enough purple in it to fall into an almost pink/lavender category. However, this shade is richer and just more luscious. How can anyone not love this color?!

Application was a little lumpy and hard to work with on the first coat but it all worked out on the second. Still smells kind of nice and not like nail polish.

Butter – Henley Regatta

Tuesday, 11 May, 2010

I always say I hate glitter, yet I constantly keep buying them…hm. Here is another example!

Sunlight picture is a bit blurry, but I deliberately wanted it like that so you can see the pretty glitter in action.

Butter – Thames

Wednesday, 31 March, 2010

I’ll be honest, when I think of the Thames, this isn’t the color. The Thames wishes it were this pretty. Nice subtle shimmer that saves the polish from being dull and lifeless. Another not-so-awful-smelling polish, too! Took forever to dry, though. Hm…What’s up with that?