Epic fail manicure

Bastille Day Mani

Monday, 14 July, 2014
Bastille Day Mani

Today is July 14, 2014. I know, it’s Monday, mais, mais c’est jour de Bastille…for you non French speakers, it’s Bastille Day!

I am a huge Francophile and spent a lot of time in France. I loved France and French things so much I even worked at DFS Group Limited in San Francisco…why? Because it’s owned by the LVMH Corporation! I’ve a huge love for luxury goods with Louis Vuitton being my #1 vice. How could I turn down the opportunity to work for the Louis Vuitton Moët-Hennessey company when it was offered to me? Plus, how could I honestly turn down a 40% discount on luxury goods? Not me!

Even my blog name all points back to my love for France…and the cosmos. In case you didn’t know, Eta Carinae is actually in the Carina constellation.

Constellation CarinaAm I not just fucking gorgeous?!

Étoile is star in French. My real name is Carina, by the way and my maiden name begins with an E…all my old emails wherever I worked or went to school was Carinae. It’s a play on my name and my love for the French language — Carinae L’étoile. Get it? I’ve been told by a few not-so-nice folk that my name is pretentious…and that it reminds them of the word toilet. :/ I remember when I first read about the Eta Carinae…and that was way back in the day — try 1998. I’ve been Carinae L’étoile in many forums over the years. I’ve been around for a long time, but not like my star! 😉 I’m horrible at explaining things, so if I’ve mangled the whole explanation about stars and all that, please correct me!

Anyway, my love for France and all things French have culminated in my Bastille Day Mani. By the way, did you know it was the French who gave the Americans the Statue of Liberty? Since I have a huge love for France and my homeland, America, I threw in some patriotic glitter. How could I not?

Hope you enjoy my Bastille Day Mani. Colors used

  • White: Sephora Formula X White Matter
  • Blue: KB Shimmer Low and Be Bold
  • Red: Floss Gloss Gangsta Boo
  • Glitter: Lumina Lacquer Young Anerucans 2.0
  • Matte Polish: Revlon Matte Top Coat

Bastille Day Mani

Bastille Day Mani

Thank you for making it this far and I hope you enjoyed my Bastille Day Mani!

À bientôt (until next time)!

Carinae (Carina)

Floss Gloss Perf and Floss Gloss Wet
KB Shimmer Red White & Blue-tiful

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