OPI – Vodka and Caviar and Catherine The Grape

Thursday, 29 July, 2010

This particular shade of red is one that I had been trying to obtain for some time. The Russian Collection is a bit hard to pull together and I’ve still yet to get my little hands on Kreme de la Kremlin, Cosmo Not Tonight Honey, St Petersburgundy and Ruble For Your Thoughts.

Now that I’ve got Vodka and Caviar, I really do love it. I know it looks like every other OPI red out there and face it – OPI has always gone overboard on red. I know I’m not the only one to complain about it. 😉

So here is OPI in their full, overkill red glory…which they’ve called Vodka and Caviar. Their other color that I love is Catherine the Grape.

Catherine the Grape is a very pretty purple with a plum/red shimmer running through it. It is definitely a gorgeous color! I’d say it’s one of the must haves of this collection.

OPI - Ski Teal We Drop
OPI - A Grape Fit!