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Rescue Beauty Lounge – Pink Shimmer

Thursday, 30 June, 2011

I purchased this color when it was about to be discontinued and there was a special sale for select colors to encourage purchasing. Of course I fell for it. I’m easily swayed by 50% off nail polish or 10 for $30. I fully admit it.

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Zoya – Phoebe, Lolly and Mitzi – aka Mod Mattes

Tuesday, 19 April, 2011
Zoya Lolly


I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted. Two weeks. In between sneezing fits thanks to the crazy weather changes, a sick husband and purchasing so much nail polish…I went into a tizzy.

I also wanted to give myself a tiny break because I was worried I was going to burn out. I don’t want to do that. I’m surprised at how many hits my blog gets despite not having many followers. If you have time and are not a follower in Google Friend Connect, I’d really appreciate it if you followed – just so I know. 🙂

Now…on to the polish. Where do I begin?

This is Zoya’s Mod Matte Summer 2011 collection.

The Good: I am slowly starting to like and appreciate colors like this. I know people want bright colors for summer. These colors are definitely eye catching and ones I would love to keep wearing, but…

The Bad: …the formula. Oh the FORMULA. *wrings hands* Lumpy, chalky, hard to manage…

The Ugly: …I hated that I could never get these colors to smooth out for me even after FOUR coats.

How about you be the judge after the jump?

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Daisy Nail Lacquer – California Sunshine and China Glaze Crackles

Friday, 25 March, 2011

I’ve never heard of this brand before, but my awesome nail polish guy had this. At two dollars a bottle, I really couldn’t say no. I don’t think you would either!

I felt that posting a nail polish with this name was a bit ironic given that it’s pouring down rain. I felt that maybe, just maybe, we could do with a memory of our world famous California Sunshine. Well, I know I needed it. I hope the rest of you California girls (and non California girls!) enjoy this color for today.

It was such a great shade of red that popped I felt the urge to slap some China Glaze Crackles on them. Some could say I ruined a beautiful shade of polish, but to be honest I was just curious and well…sometimes good things come out of my curiosity. Sometimes not so much. I hope this is one of those not so much moments.

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Zoya – Bela

Monday, 21 February, 2011

I was going to do a blue for a Monday post but for once it’s not grey outside. Nor is it raining. It’s sunny. It’s beautiful. I thought to celebrate it, I’d do a pretty shade of pink to welcome (hopefully) more spring-like weather.

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American Apparel – Dynasty

Wednesday, 9 February, 2011

When I saw this color’s name, the theme song from Dynasty (one of my all time favorite shows growing up, btw) popped into my head:

Hah. So now I’m really showing my age. The 80s were marked with big hair, bad eye make-up and this very odd obsession with purple. I remember seeing so many hues of purple that I honestly thought I was just going to die a purple death. Then, just when I thought I was in the clear, along came the 90s with that f***ing awful purple THING called Barney. I have never hated the color purple so much. I actually banned myself from ever wearing purple until very recently…

Terribly irrational, I know. It’s just how I am.

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