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Dog Pets

Sunday Post

Sunday, 22 May, 2011

I had to share this picture. If you don’t follow me on Facebook you have missed this gem. It was taken at my parents’ house. I had just made a late brunch – poached eggs, toast, bacon and pan fried potatoes. We were sitting at the couch watching a spot of telly. I put my plate down and felt like I was being watched…I was! Click the picture to get the full size image.

All you see in the foreground is food…and then you see puppy spy. Such a cute little guy. He hates it when he can’t see food. LOL He hates it even more when you’re eating and he wants some. The joys of owning a dog like this – they’re perpetually hungry, but don’t fall for the big sad eyes.

He is freshly shaved, in anticipation for the summer! How adorable does he look? He almost looks puppy-ish again, but the big ole head is a dead giveaway.

comparison Dog Pets revlon

Revlon – Perplex

Thursday, 7 April, 2011

I am Perplexed that I was not able to find this color sooner.

I got a call from a BFF going, “What is that color you were looking for from Revlon? Is it called Perplex?”


BFF: “I’m at Big Lots. They have three left and…”


BFF: “Ok. Stop yelling in my ear. They’re a dollar each.”

Me: *faints*

I got the package 2 days later. Yay for NAIL MAIL!! Thank you, Karen! Thank you, thank you!!!

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Cat Dog Pets

Chez Nous

Thursday, 3 March, 2011

Gatekeeper kitty…is sleeping.

I took these pics several days ago, but hadn’t gotten around to uploading them to share…so here we are.

Gatekeeper Kitty keeps on snoozing…

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Cat Pets

Friday Kitteh!

Friday, 25 February, 2011

Friday Red will be incoming shortly, but for now I shall leave you with a picture I took a few moments ago before hitting the sack. It’s Dr Bombay, my adorable cross eyed, buck toothed kitteh. I didn’t get a shot of his crooked tail, but I will one day.

This is, “Pleeze close da light and fill up my food bowl, k?” He’s hanging his head over the side of his kitty bed, kind of telling me what to do before I shut the door and let him sleep in his room for the night.

I put the picture of him behind the jump.

Hubby fixed my problem of being unable to attach pics to my posts…it was a plug-in that was the culprit.

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Dog Pets

Another Dog Day For Rex

Wednesday, 5 January, 2011

I think I’ve been bombarding the blog lately with animal posts in addition to nail polish, but I can’t help it.

Today I gave Rex a bath. I try to give him a bath and clean his ears out once a week because he’s a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. As with most spaniels and dogs of his ilk, they have tendencies to have things go wrong in their ears if you don’t take care of them. Rex is no exception. So I like to nip it in the bud.

Rex always needs a bath once a week because if he doesn’t he’s no longer adorable ruff ruff Rex. He’s Stinkasaurus Rex. He brings the funk and not in a good way.

Rex says, “Your depraved indifference to my suffering shows. You take photos of me when I am cold, wet and hungry.”

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Dog Kaadian aka Mr Carinae Pets

My Three Favorite Boys

Sunday, 2 January, 2011

Kaadian (aka Mr Carinae) and my dad went out to the casting pools today so Kaadian could further perfect his casting in fly fishing. Daddy was ready. Mr Carinae was ready. It seems poor little Rex wasn’t ready – he didn’t have his coat or shoes (it was going to rain), nor did he have a fishing pole! Being even more of a bad mommy, I didn’t have Rex’s doggie life jacket from Outward Hound. Well, it’s not like he really needs one since he is such a water dog. He loved swimming in the pool and I had to keep the gate closed because if I didn’t, he’d be in the pool, paddling away.

I forgot Rex has strong tendencies to love the outdoors since he has so much spaniel in him. He gets excited when he sees birds outside and on a couple of occasions back in AZ, he’d be at the back door, staring out of the window and in a pointer pose, pointing at the birds in the yard!

Anyway, my three favorite boys, ready for outdoor activity. Sadly, Rex didn’t get to go.

Click the thumbnail to embiggen.

Dog Pets Uncategorized

More Dog Days of Rex

Thursday, 2 December, 2010

I wish the video were better quality, but here is one I snagged a few days ago from my iPhone. Pity it’s not as good as it looks on my phone, but the loudness is just as good, if not better, than the one I have.

I had taken him for a walk and he was so happy. He frolicked (and did doggy business #1 and #2) and made new friends.

When we got back to my parents house, I thought he’d be ready for a cookie. I hunted around and finally found one I thought was proportionate to the amount of walking we had done. I heard an odd noise coming from the pillow on which he sleeps…

…and this is where the handy iPhone came in.

Now if I can only get some videos of him when he’s scratching himself so hard he whimpers because he’s hurting himself. He is the world’s sweetest dog. Sometimes he’s not the brightest…but he’s all mine and I wouldn’t want it any other way.