I rarely post pictures of my pets. I am not sure why I don’t, but I will remedy that now.
I wore my poor Rex out last week. Initially I had busted out with the flashlight in the hopes of enticing Dr Bombay out of a tiny cocoon of blankets he had made for himself in our bed, to no avail. He merely stared at me groggily.

Comfortable cat is comfortable…
Usually kitty gets marginally interested enough to pounce a few times, then decides if the activity is futile/worthwhile.
Rex, on the other hand, couldn’t get enough of chasing the flashlight beam on the floor. After half an hour, I was a little bored by waving it around and watching Rex happily yap after it. He did do a little protest whinge. I turned away for a moment to get a glass of water. I looked over my shoulder from the kitchen and the picture below is what I saw. Rexie zonked out. So zonked, he was hanging out of his basket and was snoring into the carpet. Awww….